Grantors & Exhibitors
The 24th Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Ethics and Compliance Congress is moving back to Live and On-site! With the return of the Congress to in-person, we have added new sponsor benefits to the Grantor program which reflect a new hybrid world. For example, Grantors will still experience the virtual benefits from the last two years, with in-person benefits being added. We’ve developed pertinent sponsorship items for every level that will provide in-depth information about your company in both the virtual and in-person event. Onsite you will have the ability to promote your company through signage and hosting breaks and meals for example. Still available in the virtual format are having the ability to share video content and engage with attendees via one-on-one video networking. You’ll have an opportunity to load your virtual exhibit with digital multi-media content that will be available to attendees for 6 months after the conference. For a complete list of exciting items available to sponsors, email Suzanne Tyler at
Sponsor and Exhibitor Management Contact:
Suzanne Tyler
Phone: (206) 244-4861
Fax: (206) 244-2681